شهادات شكر وتقدير بحق الدكتور عبد الحميد الرميثي
عندما تجتمع المهنية الاستثنائية، الحرفية الرفيعة والخبرة العميقة في شخص واحد، يظهر أمامنا الدكتور عبد الحميد الرميثي كرمز حقيقي للتميز والاستحقاق.
على مدى عقدين من الزمن، كنتُ محظوظًا للعمل بجانب الدكتور عبد الحميد، وتشرفت بمعرفته عن قرب كأخ وصديق. إنه ليس مجرد باحث ومفكر بارع، بل أيضًا قائدٌ حكيم يمتلك رؤية استراتيجية تفوق العادة.
بكل تعاملٍ يكشف عنه، يتجلى التزامه اللافت بالتفاني والتفاصيل، فضلاً عن قدرته الفريدة على توليد الأفكار المبتكرة وتحويلها إلى حقائق ملموسة. إنه يعكس روحًا استباقية ورؤيةً شاملة في كل عمل يقوم به.
ليس فقط ذلك، بل إن الدكتور عبد الحميد مدرسة كبيرة في التسامح والعطاء، أيضًا هو شخص ذو دفءٍ وتواضع يشع بالود والاحترام نحو الآخرين. يسعى دومًا لمشاركة معرفته وخبراته مع الآخرين وتوجيههم نحو النجاح والتطور.
في النهاية، فإن تواجد الدكتور عبد الحميد الرميثي في أي مجال يضفي عليه لمسةً ساحرة من الابتكار والتفوق. إنه شخصٌ استثنائي في حياتي وحياة من عرفه يعكس النجاح والتميز في كل جانب من جوانب حياته وعمله
فالك التوفيق دائما وابدا ..
بلال الشراكة – مستشار تقنية المعلومات
” انت قائد بالفطرة ،، طاقتك الايجابية تجعل من يعمل معاك ، يتحرك بهمة ونشاط وحيوية …
ويا بخت من هو عضو بفريق عمل، انت رئيسه”
فالك التوفيق دائما وابدا ..
عــبدالله العامري – مدرب معتمد بمجال التنمية البشرية
أمين عام المؤتمر العالمي للريادة والابداع والتميز- تعرفت على هذه الشخصيه من قريب، راقي في تعامله مبهر في افكاره، وبكل ثقافته الواسعة وضلاعته اللغوية، الشخصية الإيجابية، هذه الشخصية تعطي صاحبها الشعور الدافئ لكل ما يدور حوله، والأستاذ عبدالحميد تمثل شريحه واسعه من التسامح وهو شخصية ثقافية وفكرية يحسن الاستماع والإنصات وساهم بشكل كبير في نشر قيم التسامح في الغرب وبلاد البلقان ويقود من خلال الهيئة الدولية للتسامح مشروعا حضاريا يدافع عن قيم الاسلام وثوابته ويعرف به الآخر خصوصا في الغرب حيث يكثر الجهل بالاسلام وقيمه.
اعتبر من مكاسب وجودي في المؤتمر العالمي الثاني للتسامح الذي عقد يومي 10 و 11 مايو في جمهورية كوسوفا أنني تعرفت على مثل هذه الشخصية الجادة المحترمة.
كان المؤتمر متميزا في طرحه ومبادراته حول التسامح.
د. نصرت رمضان
رئيس الجمعية الثقافية والخيرية ‘مجموعة آرت’
جمهورية مقدونيا الشمالية
First of all, I would like to thank you for the invitation to participate in the Second Global Conference on Tolerance Across Cultures in Kosovo, which tool place form 10th to 11th May 2023. Thank you for the opportunity you gave me and for trusting me. His seriousness and professionalism of him are nothing short of incomparable to Dr Abdulhameed Al-Rumaythi. If there were more people like you, the world would be more beautiful. Thank you
Violeta Sako – Universal Peace Ambassador
Dr. Abdulculturea Alromaithy’s deep knowledge was evident almost immediately. He gave a very practical, secular explanation of the history, customs and local beliefs and changes which has brought the Emirates from their recent past through the almost unbelievable transition and onto the global stage that they find themselves today, as well as, providing the perspective of the non-secular and how the two segments have seemingly found a balance. Dr. Alromaithy’s style was very relaxed and open which made it extremely easy to ask virtually any question without the fear of offending or appearing insensitive. I actually finished the day thinking that I had met a potential friend.
Rick Fitzgerald, Vice President Strategic Marketing, Praxair N.V
I was glad that you initiated a frank discussion of the cultural realities of UAE nationals. In regards to my own teaching practice, I will now have the ability to formulate a more effective strategy for engaging disengaged and demotivated youth. As I learn more about the culture, this will only improve. In any event, you have opened my eyes to how much I do not know, and I sincerely thank you for that
James O’Hearn, G11 English teacher, IAT, Dubai. March
Dear Abdulculturea, Thank you very much for the excellent facilitation of our Intercultural understanding program. What a terrific session and based on all our participant feedback, a very valuable and insightful experience. So much so, that several other individuals have expressed a keen interest in attending future programs. Most appreciated is your honest and realistic portrayal of customs and traditions as per own personal encounters. The added benefit being that you have good insight into other cultures as well and could therefore illustrate the differences between various nationalities and how concepts and habits could be perceived differently or even be misunderstood. All the participants related extremely well to the manner in which you presented this program. Our participants felt that you captivated them throughout the session with your animated manner and humoristic tales. They also appreciated that it wasn’t a presentation with an overload of PowerPoint slides. The case studies which you provided also serve as an excellent point of reference It was an absolute pleasure working with you
Venia Byrom, Career Development Specialist, Baker Oil Tools
I found the session very helpful and think that it should be organized regularly after a new group of expatriates are employed by IAT. I particularly liked the coherent, well planned and focused flow of training, your openness to the participants’ questions, very competent approach and your expertise. Most of all, I could see how well you understand expatriates’ problems and challenges. The content of your training was very good and the way how you delivered the training was excellent. It was a very educational day and your respect and acceptance of us here are the values that bring us together
Dr. Teresa Lawrence, Senior Manager – Curriculum Development, IAT, Marchrch 2007
Did it achieve my objectives? Yes. I agreed to participate today because I wanted to learn more about the culture of the UAE. That was achieved. Would I recommend this workshop to others? Definitely. My intention is that this workshop become a mandatory part of the induction of all new staff and their families upon arrival in the UAE Despite what you said about the use of the words thank you, THANK YOU
Dr. Phillip David Rutherford, Deputy Director, Operations, IAT, March 2007
Did it achieve my objectives? Yes. I agreed to participate today because I wanted to learn more about the culture of the UAE. That was achieved. Would I recommend this workshop to others? Definitely. My intention is that this workshop become a mandatory part of the induction of all new staff and their families upon arrival in the UAE Despite what you said about the use of the words thank you, THANK YOU
Dr. Phillip David Rutherford, Deputy Director, Operations, IAT, March 2007
Excellent program and definitely use more than 1.5 days to cover the various aspects of the course. You’ve used clear language, covered crucial points in a fair and open way. I have enjoyed the program and have learned something. Thank you
Osama Ali, Baker Hughes